Product Description

About this product
Those of you who have been paying close attention over the last few months will know that we have been having a little trouble sourcing Beluga. We cleared all the available stocks of our hybrid Royal Beluga and then filled the gap with a pure Huso Huso at a ridiculous price. We then cleared all of that, so we had no Beluga for a couple of weeks!
We now have a little more of the Huso Huso and we have some of the hybrid on order following the autumn harvest. In order to differentiate, we have moved the pure Huso to the Special Reserve label at a similar, still pretty crazy, price. Enjoy!
The eggs are light grey and 3-3.5mm in diameter. What does it taste like? Beluga!
There is only one place that can produce Huso at this price – PRC.
Pure Beluga (Huso Huso) is not widely farmed as it takes 18-20 years to mature. Even after all that time, there is no guarantee that the fish will produce really good caviar. We have seen many poor quality examples but were thrilled to be able to source this example.
Sturgeon Roe (FISH)
E285 – Borax
What is Borax?
Borax, also known as Sodium borate, is a form of salt that is traditionally used in caviar production. It helps in the preservation process, improves consistency and also enhances the flavour.
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