Our Last Foie Gras Sale Of 2023?
We have been running foie gras sales on and off since post Christmas (when we still had circa 2000 units in stock) and each time have said that this is our last sale – only to be proved wrong. So is this the last foie gras sale of the year? In all earnestness probably yes.
On most foie gras types we have a few dozen left of each, a hundred on a couple of varieties, but broadly speaking stock levels have fallen to almost the level we would like. Hence one last sale!
Our aim over the next few days/ weeks is to drop our foie gras levels to working levels (obviously we will keep these much lower until Christmas 2023) and after that to revert to their full price.
We only run special offers for a reason and don’t intend to drive foie gras sales by promotion alone. All foie gras listed have 18 months life minimum, usually more, so our message would be that if you enjoy foie gras, stock up now – even for next Christmas!
Preserved foie gras lose nothing as they age (in fact the outer layer of fat is re-absorbed into the foie gras which if anything makes them better).