Tomato and jamon iberico de bellota ham slices

Tomato and jamon iberico de bellota ham slices

This delicious and incredibly simple dish is the perfect way to experience authentic Spanish flavourings without much prep work. The minimal steps and ingredients to this tapas recipe will have your tastebuds feeling like they’re on holiday.

  • Prep time5 mins
  • Cook time5 mins
  • Servings4
  • Difficultyeasy


  • At least 12 Bellota ham slices
  • 1 tomato
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 4 slices of fresh, crusty bread

This dish makes a perfect afternoon snack and can be made to have as a delicious starter for a romantic evening or even as a dinner party addition. The authentic flavours of the Jamon Iberico de bellota ham are offset beautifully by the fresh tomato to create an unforgettable plate that you will crave immediately after finishing!


  1. Step one

    Firstly, take your crusty bread and gently toast it until it is golden. This could be done under the grill or lightly on both sides with a frying pan and low heat.
  2. Step two

    Next, place your bread onto small plates and gently drizzle them with your olive oil. Be very light-handed here to avoid drowning the bread.
  3. Step three

    Now take your ripe and juicy tomatoes and begin to slice those. Preferably the slices should be quite thick- but you can slice to your preference.
  4. Step four

    For a light seasoning, take your salt and pepper and place it on top of your bread and tomato to taste.
  5. Step five

    Finally, take your Jamon Iberico de bellota ham slices and gently place them on top. Voila! Enjoy this dish al fresco with an ice-cold drink to finish off the experience.